
What's this site all about?

Cult of None chronicles the real story of being born into, surviving, and leaving a cult. The cult was an "end-times" or "doomsday" cult that focused on giving everything to it's leader because only he could save them.

The experiences described here are real and happend in the rural midwest (USA) between the 1980s and early 2000s. Names and places have been redacted to protect the privacy of some of those involved.

More people are involved in cults or pseudo-cults than you may think. Growing up in a cult has an effect on one that is hard to relate to. Simple things that you may take for granted, like getting a haircut, are life and death situations that can lead you down a path of arduous reprentance. Or they can be an impetus for change.

This site is not simply there to chronicle something unqiue. It's there to give a voice to all those who have been in a similar circumstance but are too often overlooked.

In the end, the cult described on this site imploded and went from a cult of many to a cult of none. The effect it had on past members is still felt today. 

How is this site made?

This is a static website made using a static website generator, namely Publii. It is deployed on Netlify.